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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

marriage and Christmas

On Tuesday night Steven and I went down to the river and exchanged vows and rings. We see ourselves as married and we're presenting ourselves as such. In the state of Texas if you present yourself as husband and wife, then you are legally married. We are still having the wedding ceremony in August. I've picked out my dress, which my mom is going to make. We have the church reserved and the reception hall picked out. Hopefully we'll be able to reserve it soon. Other little details are coming together nicely. We have an idea of our budget so that makes things easier to think about. My friend Jessica gave me a 1000 wedding bargains book for Christmas and Steven has already read most of it. He's so wonderful to help out. I told him I wanted help with the planning and I don't have to persuade him, he is more than willing to help. I'm so happy that I'm married to the most wonderful, caring, and thoughtful man.
On Thursday Steven and I drove to Abilene to spend Christmas with my family. We got to hang out with Jes, my dad and Jenni, and of course my mom, Christopher, and Heather and Virginia Ann. Steven got to know them and vice-versa. They seem to get along very well. Steven and I were our usual affectionate selves and it didn't seem weird at all. It seemed completely natural for him to be there. He went back home yesterday and I'm here till tomorrow. I'm helping with moving Virginia Ann. The only thing that sucks is that Steven couldn't stay because he had to work today. I love having him around all the time and I already miss him. I had to sleep by myself last night :( But I'll get to see him tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has a great and safe New Year.

Monday, December 19, 2005

life changes

It seems that my life is changing all at once right now. I have a lot of personal changes that are still going on through my counseling and learning to create new ways of acting and thinking. Also, I graduated on Friday night. Finally!! Although I don't really feel an extreme feeling of completion because I'm going back to get my master's in spec ed in the fall. but it was certainly a sense of accomplishment. I never really paid much attention to my GPA. I knew it was a least a 3.75 but I graduated Summa Cum Laude which means it was 3.8 or higher. I'm proud of myself that I accomplished that.
Another huge change in my life is Steven. Three months ago I was perfectly happy with the thought that I was one of those people that God had created to not get married. Then I realize that I really like Steven. We start talking, dating, and now we're getting married in August. Hopefully it will be the first weekend in August. There is no ring or official popping of the question but we are engaged. In fact, we already view our relationship as a marriage because there is no question in either of our minds about the level of committement that already exists between us. I've already been staying with him about a week and a half, but I officially move in when we get back from our visit to Abilene for Christmas. We feel that we are married and that the wedding in August is the ceremony. We would have the ceremony tomorrow if we could afford it. But we are buying temporary wedding rings to wear until the wedding. I am so excited about this change in my life. I am so comfortable here. It's been like a whirlwind, but it also feels like I've been here my entire life. We're only in the preliminary stages of planning the wedding and I am already feeling overwhelmed. We're taking it a little at a time because we do have several months to plan and Steven is helping by taking a very active role.

Well, that's it for updates for now.

seven things

Stephanie posted this awhile back and tagged me. I usually don't do these things, but for Steph I will.

Seven Things to Do Before I Die (Lord willing):

1. Own a home.
2. Marry Steven.
3. Visit Ireland again.
4. Have and/or adopt children.
5. Make a quilt.
6. Start regualarly playing the piano again.
7. Own a motorcycle.

Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1. Play guitar.
2. Own just one pet.
3. Not cry.
4. Style my own hair.
5. Be passionate about politics.
6. Be comfortable around new people.
7. Be extroverted.

Seven Things that Attract Me to My Spouse/Significant Other:
1. His sense of humor and his laugh.
2. His passion for God and desire to serve.
3. His understanding.
4. The fact that his actions and his words match.
5. That he calls me his angel and treats me that way.
6. We communicate about everything.
7. The fact that we are completely comfortable around each other.

Seven Things I Say (or write!) Most Often:
1. Sweet!
2. Giggidy!
3. Back and forth...forever.
4. Love.
5. I'll stab you in the head.
6. Do you remember the Simpsons/Seifeld/Family Guy episode where...
7. I don't know.

Seven Books (or series) I Love:
1. East of Eden
2. The Milagro Beanfield War (not the movie Steven!)
3. Pride and Prejudice
4. Ramona Quimby Books
5. The Good Earth
6. Blue Like Jazz
7. Life of Pi

Seven Movies I Would Watch Over and Over Again:
1. Empire Records
2. The Wedding Singer
3. Search for the Holy Grail
4. Pulp Fiction
5. A River Runs Through It
6. Shawshank Redemption
7. Corrina, Corrina