Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 27, 2006

random events

On St. Patricks Day weekend I went to Dallas to visit Stephanie. She had a party, that while it didn't go as she had planned, we had a wonderful time. I met her friends Steven & Christine, Phil & Kathleen, Jessica, and Chad. Stephanie had a Limerick writing contest. They were all funny. I was going to post mine, but Steven threw mine away (on accident, he says). It was about Steven killing our neighbors dogs. Saturday we slept in, watched a couple of movies, and went to Cafe Brazil and Half Price Books. I got a book written by a monk that lives at one of the monastaries that Kathleen Norris of The Cloister Walk stayed. I got The Brothers K for 50 cents and a book with three Flannery O'Conner stories for 50 cents. I had a lot of fun and I can't wait to see Stephanie and the other girls for her birthday camping trip.

Today I went to the courthouse for my jury summons. I sat there all afternoon and I got picked to sit on a jury for a civil case. I'm excited.

Today I also made home-made wheat bread. It's good. MMMMmmmmmm.


Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Heck yeah we had fun. Can't wait for the weekend either. I am really looking forward to it.

Jury Duty/! AWESOME.

Fanny said...

I'm quite curious about that monk's book...